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You can plant Seeds and transplant Plants in the Garden Path.

How to Plant Seeds

Planting seeds requires a Trowel. Once equipped (see Tools), select a seed from your inventory. Once selected the seeds will appear above you. Click Sow to sow the seed.

Seeds can be obtained by trading with travellers, or through harvesting. Some seeds are only be available trading.

Fertilizing Plants

Fertilizer is an item that can be traded for or created by combining certains items in your inventory. Using Fertilizer on a plant will help it grow faster.

You can only fertilize plants with the fertilizer that specific plant wants. To find out, approach a plant and Listen to it to see a pop up of what it wants today. Combine those two items in your Inventory to create the right Fertilizer.

Once combined, select the Fertilizer in your Inventory, select Use, and approach the plant that asked for it to fertilize.


Mulch is an item that can be acquired by tradiing with Buttercup. There are different types of mulch, each with unique properties that affect plant growth. To use mulch, select it from your inventory and apply it to a growing plant. Mulch can make a plant think it's growing in autumn or freeze its growth, depending on the type used.

Pots and Planters

Pots and planters are a furnishing item that can be acquired by Trading or as a reward from completing Errands. When approached, pots can be interacted with and will ask for both Soil and Cuttings.

Soil can be acquiring by using your Shovel to dig in a spot on the ground that does not have any plants growing on it. Cuttings are a harvestable from plants using the Secateurs.

Plants in planters will bloom, and can be harvested like other plants, but will be limited by how big they can grow. Using a planter and pot doesn't have any special effects on it's own, but will bring a new aesthetic way to show off what you've grown and give you the chance to grow a plant in soil not native to that area.

Soil types

The soil around the Garden varies. Different plants will flourish in different soils when planted in a pot or planter. Explore the Gardens to find new soil types.

You can also change the properties of soil with different items you've collected in the Garden. Moss will make soil more aromatic, whereas leaves help make soil more rich. Just combine the soil with different properties in your Inventory to explore new types.

Transplanting Plants

To move a plant, you will need to use the Designer (see Decorating). Simply hover over the plant you want to move and use your shovel to to transplant it to another spot while in the Designer mode.