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‘Folk’ are all living things, spiritual or non-spiritual, in the Gardens.

They are split up into two major groups: Travellers and Residents.


Travellers will visit your Garden randomly. Each of them will either bring goods to trade or special interactions.


Residents are Mandrakes that live nearby the Garden and are looking for somewhere to stay.

Players’ must make sure that their Garden meets certain requirements before Residents can call it their home.

Once invited, they will be a permanent part of the Garden Residence until dismissed by a Farewell Fish.

Residents are one of 6 personality types: Bright, Lazy, Studious, Serious, Gloomy and Confident.

Residents who are invited can also be assigned to Projects to help the Garden grow.

Image Name Appearance Personality
Hubert icon.png Hubert Apple Bright
Ida Icon.png Ida Plum Bright
Nolan Icon.png Nolan Brussels sprout Bright
Olga Icon.png Olga Onion Bright
Otto Icon.png Otto Heirloom Tomato Bright
Theo Icon.png Theo Lemon Bright
Alex Icon.png Alex Peach Confident
Boyd Icon.png Boyd Gourd Confident
Hedi Icon.png Heidi Artichoke Confident
Emerson Icon.png Emerson Brocolli Gloomy
Leslie Icon.png Leslie Marrow Gloomy
Wilbur Icon.png Wilbur Potato Gloomy
Art Icon.png Art Fennel Lazy
Clair Icon.png Clair Fennel Lazy
Molly Icon.png Molly Garlic Lazy
Sam Icon.png Sam Turnip Lazy
Caroline Icon.png Caroline Cauliflower Serious
Herb Icon.png Herb Mushroom Serious
Imogen Icon.png Imogen Avocado Serious
Jaime Icon.png Jaime Asparagus Serious
Oliver Icon.png Oliver Onion Serious
Reed Icon.png Reed Leek Serious
Bo Icon.png Bo Artichoke Studious
Grant Icon.png Grant Carrot Studious
Mabel Icon.png Mabel Pumpkin Studious
Windfall Icon.png Windfall Apple Studious